For serious, this isn't just a hobby! I have WAY too many friends who rely on actual evidence for pretty much anything. Well guess what, babywearing isn't just a granola crunchy hippy parent random act of parenting. There are actual benefits to babywearing that have been researched and I'm here to help you find that research :-) What you won't find in this post is an article worthy of being published in a well known journal. What you will find is links to awesome information that has already been written. I don't like reinventing the wheel. It's just a waste of time unless I can make it better or prettier.
Since I am a Volunteer Babywearing Educator with
Babywearing International of Greater Austin. Lets start at the BWI page which is a great source for babywearing information. They list many benefits of babywearing including happy and healthy babies, confident and loving caregivers, and comfort and convenience. Want to read more about what they have to say, head over to the page
If you are more cerebral and want something with lots of data, there is this article that makes my eyes blur over with boredom but about halfway down there is a section regarding child rearing practices for peace or violence. The author states the following:
For all of the above reasons, I have concluded that the single most important child rearing practice to be adopted for the development of emotional and social healthy infants and children is to carry the newborn/infant on the body of the mother/caretaker all day long where the continuous "backpacking" of newborns/infants on the body of the mother/caretaker becomes the best "behavioral vaccine" against depression, social alienation, violence and drug/alcohol abuse and addiction later in life. Does this intrigue you? Want to read more then you are welcome to head over to this page.
I like things a little less intense when reading so a few other article include this nice short and sweet version that a friend recently posted on facebook, this article about the benefits of babywearing vs. carseat carrying, this one from the well known Dr. Sears, and this one from baby k'tan.
In general what we know is that babies who are worn cry less, become independent and well attached children (eventually), and have enhanced developmental and social abilities. Parents who wear are less prone to things like post partum depression or anxiety, are more confident as parents, and have the ability to maintain contact with your child while also remaining hands free for activities or to interact with your other children!
Mostly, babywearing is awesome and has lots of benefits. A big plus side is's FUN!
So What Did We Do Yesterday?
Well, yesterday was quite a doozy. Hannah was pretty needy and wanted lots of attention. The whole no napping and not sleeping well thing doesn't help. I just keep telling myself that it's just a milestone and it will pass. Somehow when I accept this, I become a much less uptight and angry parent and life is better for all of us. Will was back to work so Hannah and I got a lot of time to hang together. We woke up pretty late so have a super small breakfast and got right to working on lunch and a crock pot dinner. In the process of cooking (again) Hannah decided it was time for snuggles.

So I wrapped her up tight and she quieted right down. She stayed up for about an hour and luckily I was prepared this time and choose a nice supportive wrap. I got all my cooking done plus cleaned up some of the Christmas decorations finally. I actually thought she was going to fall asleep but she didn't so we moved on to actually eating lunch. Then I did my prenatal workout which Hannah joined in on and rolled around on the floor while I stood, squatted and did strange things on all fours. Keep you mind clean people. Then we tried for a nap which very much didn't happen so once daddy got home I took a nice long bath and let him take over for a while.

Then it was time to get out of the house. Hannah and I took a trip to Target because there really isn't much else around that I can browse for an hour in case she fell asleep. On the way to Target I had a conversation with my dad. Oddly enough he made a comment about how we should start letting her walk around the store instead of carrying her. When these comments come up I just make some random acknowledgement and move on. I move on because I know that 1. clearly he doesn't remember this stage of toddlerhood. You know, the one where your baby can't walk a straight line because there is SO MUCH STUFF to be distracted by and pull off the shelves. I also have one of those babies that doesn't listen to me at all so I can say "Hannah, come back" all I want but she just keeps going. 2. I'm not going to fight with him about what I do with my child. He has the best of intentions but dangit, if I can get her to nap right now I sure as heck am going to try because he doesn't have to be the one staying up with her all day and night. So, I wrapped her up tight while in the parking lot and proceeded to target with a short stop at the starbucks to pick myself up a chai tea latte, YUM! We didn't even make it to the shoe section before she had passed out. Sweet sweet baby Jesus I was so right. I slowly walked the store and every isle to waste time. Hannah woke up and I headed to the checkout with my very few items I had selectively picked up along the way because we are still on the Dave Ramsey, you have no money plan. There was a woman at the registered in front of me and she turned and asked how hard "that" is to do. Since I had a woven wrap I was honest and told her that the particular style I was using required some practice but once you had it down it was super fast and easy. I also shared with her that there are many other types of carriers out there that have much less of a learning curve and are considered easier

and faster to master. Her response "Well, I have six kids so I think I'll just stick to making my oldest carry the baby around, that's much easier for me". To be honest, I had a few things walk through my head at that moment, some of them not nice BUT this is where I will say, to each his own. Do what works for your family and I will do what works for mine.
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