
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Diet Destroyed!!!!

If you were in the house right now you might witness a loud, hulk like, rawr. I just finished off a pint of Ben and Jerry's Phish Food (side note: I ate it in three sittings, I do have some self control). If you have not discovered this heavenly ice cream treat you need to. Every bite is like eating a piece of love. Well, that is how it is for me anyway. This may be just the case for a pregnant lady but I have loved this ice cream since my mother let me splurge on it when I was a wee little pre-teen having sleep overs that were entirely centered around large amounts of food consumption and watching the newest version of Scream. Yes, you read that right, Scream.

So other than me overly enjoying ice cream like always, there is not a lot going on this weekend on the baby bump front. My newest focus is eating healthy. My doula sent me a bunch of things to read and refer to regarding pregnancy diets and they are crazy! I haven't been able to meet my daily protein quota yet and I am constantly over on my grains quota. I used to love meat but that's just not working out for me. I do love me some pasta but realize this isn't the best thing to eat every day. My quest for perfection will go on and on and on.

On other fronts, we started Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University and just got home from out second class. It's funny the things that you learn from other people. Some things are really helpful and reflective where there was one particular comment tonight that outraged me. One of the people in class talked about how she was trying to teach her child the process of budgeting. In doing so, this week she told her child that he had $20 to spend on his choice of groceries while she was buying the essentials. She was amazed that once he was given control of the money how carefully he spent it. Bravo. However, he decided to spend it on the cheapest items he could buy so he could buy more. Those things included ramen noodles, HEB sports drinks, etc. All I could think was, isn't health as equally important to teach your children? Your teaching your child about one important aspect of life while completely sacrificing the quality of another very important aspect of life.

So, like I said, my road to perfection is ongoing and apparently, so is everyone else's.

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About Me

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My husband, William and I moved to Austin in July of 2008. We own two chihuahuas and a sickly cat that will never die. We are proud homeowners in a very stepwives looking neighborhood and are friendly with almost all the neighbors (the ones we like at least). We have been blessed with one beautiful baby girl and have another baby on the way of yet to be determined gender.