
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Time for a Thank You, or Two

Forewarning, the following may get a little sentimental and/or mushy. I have so much to be thankful for. Both Will and I have come a long way since we met way back in 2004. After looking through pictures I also realized that we have both changed in looks a lot through the years! We have worked really hard for what we have, both in our relationship and out of our relationship and will continue to do so for the rest of our lives since nothing is ever perfect. Relationships take a lot of compromise and a willingness to work together through the hard times. I am lucky enough to have married someone who continues to love me for who I am, crazy and all. He also likes to push my buttons sometimes just to get a rise out of me but also knows how to comfort me when I need it. 
If you know Will and I, then you know that we aren't very affectionate in public. Neither of us really like to be so that works out. We are silly and outgoing so I think that makes up for it :-) Will does know how to break out the affection at home. Usually its in forms of weird songs that he makes up int he moment, creepy dance moves talking to me by pretending he is the voice for any one of our three dogs. He makes me laugh a lot and has been such a great support through everything and is my best friend. He has been so supportive so far during this pregnancy and is so laid back and chill that I can't do anything other than appreciate how awesome he is. Every time I look at him I think about how lucky our kids are going to be because he will be their dad. So a big thank you to Will for being my best friend and my husband. 

Moving on because it's getting sappy enough to make me uncomfortable, I also want to thank coffee shops far and wide for making Chai Tea Latte's. I recently discovered this amazing drink and I have to say, it's my new favorite thing. I even made a special stop at Starbucks today just so I could have one on my ride home. Pure bliss.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

It's Time to Own It

My cute summer outfit that I
 paid less than $5 for!
I'm still not ready to take belly photos again so you will just have to sit tight. I have been wearing all my comfy maternity pants this week and I am ecstatic about it. Pregnant women probably never tell you how comfortable maternity pants are because they don't want all the non-pregnant women hoarding them.

We finally bit the bullet and started to register. It's scary committing to baby items. It kind of reminds me of buying a wedding dress. You want all the best stuff but you are afraid to commit in case something better comes along, as it always does. We are trying to be practical about the whole registering thing and registering for fewer expensive items and only register for items that get really good reviews online. We have done our research.

Tonight we registered at Buy Buy Baby. Let me first say that I had never been to the store. Wholly overwhelming feeling batman. They have so much stuff in there! My eye had a hard time focusing on even one thing. Luckily, they had a lot of items that I had looked at on amazon so that was nice. Will captured the feeling pretty well in his picture. We did avoid registering for baby toys actually though so ignore everything you see in the picture. It took us just over an hour to register so I say that it was a success. I completed my amazon registry too with a few duplicate items since most of my family won't have access to a Buy Buy Baby store. The other fun part about registering, the free stuff!! Woohoo for free stuff. Now we have a bottle and a pacifier, which when I look at them is actually more scary than fun right now. I quickly put them back in the bag and stowed them in the baby room until further notice. Next on the agenda, Target!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Productivity is Awesome

This was brand new with tags!
Yes, I said it. Productivity IS awesome, especially when starts in the morning and ends in the early afternoon. Will actually discovered a multi-family garage sale that was happening in our neighborhood that was selling baby clothes and maternity wear. We got there at 8:15 and there were already a ton of people there! Now, I have to give the people having the garage sale props because usually when people in Texas say they have having a huge garage sale, I'm incredibly disappointed when I walk up and learn that they are selling like 5 items. This garage sale was actually big! We ended up getting a few maternity clothes and a bunch of baby clothes. After I brought the maternity clothes home to try them on I was slightly disappointed because they didn't really meet my standards in terms of fit. However, the baby clothes are awesome. I took pictures of my three favorite outfits. I will admit, shopping for gender neutral clothing isn't as fun as I imagine shopping for gender specific clothing is BUT, we were able to find some really cute clothes non-the-less.

The outfit on the right is Janie
and Jack and it was only $1!
After we got back from our one garage sale, we actually skyped for the first time ever with my parents. It was fun to be able to actually show them some of the things that we have bought so far. My mom insisted on seeing my baby belly so that was probably nice for her...uncomfortable for me. Right after we hung up with my parents we discovered the front door was open and two of our dogs had escaped at some point. Now, this was fairly anti-productive but after searching the neighborhood for about 10 minutes we returned home to find the dogs speeding around the backyard like maniacs.

Following our foray into panic moments of yelling our dogs name throughout the neighborhood, I decided to attack a project that I have been wanting to do for a while. Let me first say that I love Pinterest! There are so many organizational and crafty ideas that I desperately want to try. One of those is a window cover for our back door. The only homeowner generously left the plastic stained glass cover that they used. I appreciate their thoughtfulness but it was incredibly ugly. I wish I would have taken a before and after picture but I wanted to get rid of the previous cover so bad I ripped it off before I even thought about taking a picture. I did, of course take some after pictures. I'm not creative enough to make my own designs so I stole the designs from the person who had the original idea on Pinterest. I'm pretty excited about it and I think it came out well. All for under $10!

View from the outside

View from the inside

About Me

My photo
My husband, William and I moved to Austin in July of 2008. We own two chihuahuas and a sickly cat that will never die. We are proud homeowners in a very stepwives looking neighborhood and are friendly with almost all the neighbors (the ones we like at least). We have been blessed with one beautiful baby girl and have another baby on the way of yet to be determined gender.