This whole, two weeks in between posts in just an indication of things to come. So lets start off by setting the record straight, don't expect more than this out of me right now. Work has actually been pretty crazy which has contributed to my lack of blogger motivation. I did attend this interesting and very intense training last week and one of the slides cracked me up because it made me think of everyone in our office as well as every pregnant lady out there. Fitting for our current situation no doubt. After thinking in my head, at least we still have our humor, our trainer wisely informed us that dark humor doesn't count which includes sarcasm. At this point all I can think is, crap, I've lost it all.
On another note, since I haven't posted pictures in a while I decided you deserve a reprieve from my writing efforts. Your welcome.
This is me at 27 weeks. On memorial day I will be 29 weeks along.
I will do my best to post an updated picture :-) |
I have to take a little time to talk about my partner in crime. No, not the baby but my amazing husband. Since about mother's day, Will has really stepped forward and is taking charge of the house. I like it. For the past two weeks he has taken over the grocery shopping and cooking dinners. He has also taken over laundry and partial cleaning of the house. Hooray! I mentioned to him that it appears that he is really enjoying cooking. His response what that he just enjoys eating food he actually likes. Ouch. Apparently my food is too healthy for him sometimes and lacks the adventure he strives for. At this point, I'm not even offended as long as he is cooking.

Speaking of dinners, we have recently started eating at the table because my belly is interfering with being able to eat off the coffee table while watching TV. I know this isn't the most cultured way to eat but hey, it's easy and it's the only way I can get my favorite shows in before bedtime. I like eating at the table though so it's been a good change even though it's pregnancy induced. There are a few other recent changes that have happened in the past few weeks that are notable. One is that some of my maternity clothes no longer fit me. This sounds crazy I know but apparently not all maternity clothes are made equally. For instance, a few of my pants now give me what I refer to as pregnancy muffin top. Pretty much just as bad as regular muffin top, just bigger. My favorite though is that the shirt I bought at a consignment sale that I was so excited about has started to show me busting out at the seams. It made me laugh so of course I took a picture.
Since entering the third trimester (yes, THIRD) I have also noticed my back starting to hurt and my ankles swelling. I guess that just means we are in the home stretch! Notice, slightly swollen ankles in the picture. Last night both Will and I were amazed as how swollen my ankles were after a 13 hour day. It was so amazing, I wasn't even mad.