I have a lot of catching up to do! This is for all of you (especially back home) who want to be there with us during our journey through our first pregnancy and all the experiences that brings along - good and bad. As of today I am 13 weeks and 5 days into my pregnancy. We officially found out on December 8, 2011 and have been slowly sharing the news with people starting with our close friends and family.
Since, we have officially started telling anyone who will listen that we are having a baby, I figured now is the time to start oversharing as promised. So here it goes!
Answers to commonly asked questions:
Q. When are you due?
A. August 13, or most likely a week later according to the professionals since this is my first baby and they don't like to let go of the womb
Q. Did you have any morning sickness?
A. If by morning sickness you mean a constant nauseated feeling throughout the entire day that lasts for weeks and causes you to eat nothing and everything at the same time then yes. Between Christmas and New Years I ate pretty much nothing but fast food (don't judge and if you are judging, don't tell me because my raging hormones will make me hate you)

Q. How are you feeling now?
A. Great! Especially since two weeks ago I was dealing with bloating, gas, nausea, sciatica, and a knee and foot that were bloody, bruised and healing from a very graceful fall onto cement as I was leaving the courthouse.
Q. Are you going to find out the sex?
A. Nope, I am just excited about a baby and I want to be surprised after all that pain and hard work.
Q. Do you want my advice?
A. Ok, actually I don't get asked this question. I would like to get asked this question so I could tell people, "If I want your advice I will ask you for it".
Enough of the Q&A. There will be plenty more pictures to come in the next few days and I catch up. The two above are ones that we used to announce our surprise to our family in January when we went back to Michigan for our yearly visit. A big round of applause to my very talented friend Callie who is a hobby photographer and helped us to create these awesome pictures. I was creating in my uploading of the pictures though which has caused them to be much less clear than they are in real life.
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