First ultrasound at 8 weeks |
Last night, Will and I had an adventure in babysitting. When I asked Will if he would go with me, I was immediately surprised that I was met with absolutely no resistance. Then, when he found out there were dogs involved, he was all in. We spend the night eating pizza and cheese sticks and playing with the coolest toys ever with our new little buddy Kambri. It was probably one of the easiest nights of babysitting I have ever had and most likely, the only night of babysitting Will has ever had. When we left, Will looked at me and said, if this is what it is like to have a kid, we can totally do this.
He is right, we can totally do it. I'm not saying it's not going to be difficult or that we won't experience moments of complete panic or extreme delusions due to lack of sleep. The good news is that we are only 13 weeks into the whole process and have plenty of time to prepare.
One of the best parts of the process is getting to see your baby on the ultrasound. It makes it real and allows you to really start forming an attachment to that little person growing inside your belly. Both Will and I will sit and just look at the pictures thinking, "wow, this is really happening."
11 week 3D Ultrasound |
I am constantly getting asked if I cried at the first ultrasound or when we hearing the heartbeat. If you know me, you wouldn't be surprised to know that I didn't cry. I'm much less of an emotional person in these kinds of moments and much more emotional during things like say, movies where animals die or Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Really, I cry every episode of that show. Will, on the other hand is much less of a crier and much more of a smiling from ear to ear and laughing type person. That is how he reacted when we first discovered I was pregnant and that is how he reacted at the 11 week ultrasound. At one point we were both laughing because the baby was flopping around like crazy and it was just funny. It made it incredibly hard for the doctor to hold the wand on my belly so I kept trying to hold it in but it just made me want to laugh more.
12 week ultrasound |
The last ultrasound that I had was actually during the testing for down syndrome. Since it does run in my family and it's not an invasive test, we did decide to go ahead with that test. Although Will wasn't able to be there I did call him right after and send him a picture text so he didn't have to wait all day to see the pictures. It's incredible how much the baby grew in just the period of one week!
We won't have our next ultrasound until 21/22 weeks as recommended by the doctor. We do have family that
really wants to know the sex of the baby but since this is our pregnancy and our baby, we get to decide. We want it to be surprise and gender neutral clothing is still super cute when it comes in such small sizes.