Forewarning, the following may get a little sentimental and/or mushy. I have so much to be thankful for. Both Will and I have come a long way since we met way back in 2004. After looking through pictures I also realized that we have both changed in looks a lot through the years! We have worked really hard for what we have, both in our relationship and out of our relationship and will continue to do so for the rest of our lives since nothing is ever perfect. Relationships take a lot of compromise and a willingness to work together through the hard times. I am lucky enough to have married someone who continues to love me for who I am, crazy and all. He also likes to push my buttons sometimes just to get a rise out of me but also knows how to comfort me when I need it.
If you know Will and I, then you know that we aren't very affectionate in public. Neither of us really like to be so that works out. We are silly and outgoing so I think that makes up for it :-) Will does know how to break out the affection at home. Usually its in forms of weird songs that he makes up int he moment, creepy dance moves talking to me by pretending he is the voice for any one of our three dogs. He makes me laugh a lot and has been such a great support through everything and is my best friend. He has been so supportive so far during this pregnancy and is so laid back and chill that I can't do anything other than appreciate how awesome he is. Every time I look at him I think about how lucky our kids are going to be because he will be their dad. So a big thank you to Will for being my best friend and my husband.